

  • 主演:内详  
  • 导演:未知  
  • 分类:欧美动漫 剧情  
  • 地区:美国
  • 年份:2022
  • 更新:2023-08-02T05:23:14
  • 简介:2022年,一档令人兴奋的动漫剧即将上映:《乐高幻影忍者第十五季》。由知名导演执导,聚集了多位知名演员一展身手,构思巧妙的剧情将为观众带来无尽的震撼体验。 故事背景中,当世界忍..
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优质资源播放 30集
  • 剧情介绍
乐高幻影忍者第十五季剧情介绍:乐高幻影忍者第十五季是由未知执导,内详等艺人主演的,于2022年上映,该欧美动漫讲述的是2022年,一档令人兴奋的动漫剧即将上映:《乐高幻影忍者第十五季》。由知名导演执导,聚集了多位知名演员一展身手,构思巧妙的剧情将为观众带来无尽的震撼体验。 故事背景中,当世界忍者们的命运受到巨大的威胁时,他们——凯、杰、科尔、赞恩、劳埃德和尼娅步入前台:用勇气与冒险义无反顾地去守卫这片土地。血与火的试炼也将成为他们成长之路上不可避免的路障,而正是这些无畏的征程带领他们逐步找回内心真实勇敢的变化。通过六位忍者——凯、杰、科尔、赞恩、劳埃德和尼娅在生死关头团结一致舞动的对剑舞蹈,最终守护天地安危,使得本剧不断发生新的火花。 Emerging from the shadows of myth, in 2022, the heroes of "LEGO Ninjago Season 15" are here. Directed by renowned filmmakers and starring beloved actors, this animated series is set to take viewers on an unforgettable ride. When the fates of the ninjas of the world are threatened by a powerful evil, they-- Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane, Lloyd and Nya bravely face down their tormentors to protect their home. Facing a fiery contest of trials together, these brave warriors reunite and learn to be true to themselves. Through their quest for justice, as they perform their sword dance with courage and unity, these six ninjas ultimately guard peace and put a stop to the madness. Headlined by beloved characters and fueled by dramatic story arcs, "LEGO Ninjago Season 15" will draw its viewers closer to its compelling world like never before. Prepare yourselves for an unforgettable experience(《乐高幻影忍者第十五季》欧美动漫于2023-08-02 05:23由初战影院收集自网络发布。)


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